Smiling from the Soul

I wake up every morning to the news on the radio. Snippets of daily information interspersed with commercials, lots of commercials: Car commercials, service commercials, food commercials. Marketers selling feelings.  We’ll feel great behind the wheel of this car.  Eat this breakfast and you’ll have a great day. Use these products and you will feel younger, confident and more alive. You’ll feel like a million bucks if you just buy the product.  Pay attention to the ads you hear today, and notice what is actually being sold.

Imagine if feeling good was free for the taking.  Imagine if all the health benefits of satisfaction and happiness were right in front of us. There would be less stress, more fun, and that great sense of being in the ‘flow’ that comes from doing something important and meaningful.  Imagine opportunities to feel good available to everyone, the rich and poor, the old and young, of any race, religion or nationality, truly free for all and within everyone’s reach at any time,

There is a great paradox about altruism, the act of giving to another. Who is the beneficiary?  Who is helping who? I saw a bumper sticker for an animal shelter that read, “Who saved Who?” signed with a paw print. Clearly the receiver benefits from volunteer efforts.  But in reality, the volunteer also benefits.

There is plenty of evidence that giving service to others has health benefits, both mental and physical.  It can relieve depression.  It can invigorate and give new meaning to the life of the newly retired or unexpectedly retired.  It can give direction and purpose to new graduates or mid-career professionals looking for change.  Volunteerism and service give birth to passion by showing, without question, that people need people.  Everyone can make a difference.

So I leave you with this thought…Lend a hand, lift a spirit, “reach out and touch someone” and see how it feels to smile from your soul.  It won’t cost you a dime and you’ll feel like a million bucks.


Hope Grows Here

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